Generative AI in Education - Custom AI Solutions for Edtech Leaders, BPP.

Key highlights_

75% Reduction in Review Time ✅

The use of Generative AI reduced the time required to review and finalise multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from 60 minutes to just 15 minutes, significantly enhancing efficiency.

300% Increase in Productivity ✅

Freelance subject matter experts (SMEs), who previously created around 10 questions per day for £200, can now review and sign off on approximately 40 questions in the same timeframe.

Rapid Expansion of Question Bank ✅

Within a few months, the project delivered 2000 high-quality MCQs, with ongoing monthly batches of 500 questions, rapidly approaching the goal of 6,000 questions, thereby positioning BPP as a leader in educational innovation.

"We're thrilled to share our successful Generative AI project partnership with Build Circle, enabling us to integrate 360 automated multiple-choice questions into our Hub platform. This invaluable, cost-saving resource is now live and accessible to our students, significantly enhancing their exam preparation for the SQE qualification. We're proud of the progress made together - this milestone highlights exceptional partnership and dedication. Thank you, Build Circle, for making this achievement possible! We’re looking forward to hitting new milestones with you."

Melanie Moeller, Product Lead, Generative AI, BPP Education Group.


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Catch Up on BPP’s Generative AI Project_

Read the first instalment here:

Transforming Education at BPP Through Digital Innovation and GenAI.

The BPP project represents a pioneering effort in leveraging Generative AI to transform education. BPP, a leader in professional education, partnered with Build Circle to innovate and enhance its offerings through AI-driven solutions.

This case study focuses on the specific advancements, outcomes, and insights from Melanie Moeller, the Generative AI Product Lead at BPP, providing a comprehensive look at the project's impact and future prospects.

BPP’s Goals and Challenges_

BPP aimed to become a front-runner in applying Generative AI within the educational sector.

Initially, the focus was on enhancing their multiple-choice question (MCQ) bank for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE).

Melanie Moeller, Product Lead, Generative AI, BPP Education Group outlines the challenge:

Creating high-quality MCQs was time-consuming and BPP's question bank was smaller compared to competitors.

This was crucial as the size of the question bank was a unique selling point (USP) for attracting clients and students deciding on educational providers for the SQE qualification.

Melanie’s First Hand Perspective_

Melanie shares that the partnership with Build Circle was groundbreaking in several ways. One key insight is her problem-solving approach through rapid sprints and iterative testing. She notes:

"We were able to take on a structured and agile approach to quickly identify opportunities, prioritise them with robust metrics, and deliver tangible value."

Melanie led the team in running rapid "Create. Test. Learn." sprints, pairing developers with subject matter experts (SMEs) from BPP's law school. This agile approach allowed for quick iterations and improvements. They trained the AI models with structured handbooks and course content, which significantly sped up the question-generation process.

Melanie also highlights the collaborative nature of the project, emphasising the importance of working closely with BPP's law school SMEs to refine the AI models continuously.

This close cooperation ensured that the generated questions met the high standards required for the SQE and that the project was implemented adhering to ethical and responsible AI integration.

The Outcomes and Achievements_

Melanie emphasises the transformative impact of the project on BPP's operations:

"One of our most significant achievements was reducing the drafting, revision and approval time for multiple-choice questions. Initially, it took faculty around an hour to draft a high-quality question, mainly due to the need for plausible distractors and scenario-based contexts.
By integrating Generative AI, we managed to cut this time down by 75%, using automated question generation, bringing it to just 15 minutes per question.
Our SMEs could review and revise the AI-generated content and approve exam-standard questions in a much shorter timeframe. This efficiency not only reduced costs but also allowed our freelance SMEs to increase their productivity fourfold.
It's incredibly rewarding to see how quickly we could iterate and improve the model with direct feedback from BPP's law school experts. This close collaboration was key to our success and underscores the potential of AI to revolutionise educational content creation."

Key Facts - Quick View

✅ The most significant achievement was reducing the time required to create and review MCQs. Initially, it took faculty about an hour to draft a high-quality question.

✅ Through the use of Generative AI, this time was reduced by 75%, bringing it down to just 15 minutes per question. This efficiency gain translated into substantial cost savings.

✅ Freelance SMEs, who previously created around 10 questions a day for £200, can now review and sign off about 40 questions in the same timeframe.

✅ The project also saw the successful generation and review of 2000 questions, with a goal of reaching 6,000. This rapid increase in the question bank not only met BPP's immediate needs but also now positioned them competitively in the market.

The Business Value of Generative AI_

The beauty of the BPP project is that it clearly demonstrates the business value of Generative AI. By significantly reducing the time and cost associated with creating educational content, BPP was able to enhance its product offerings and maintain a competitive edge.

The project is a great model for other organisations looking to leverage AI for similar efficiencies and innovations.

Custom AI Innovation

The custom AI solutions developed by Build Circle for BPP are unique in their ability to generate specific types of questions tailored to the stringent requirements of legal education.

This bespoke approach is not only innovative but also sets BPP apart from other educational institutions that may rely on more generic AI tools.

Strategic Next Steps_

Looking ahead, BPP and Build Circle are exploring ways to expand the use of Generative AI across other areas of education.

Melanie mentions the potential to develop the tool into a versatile platform that can generate various types of questions and content across different subjects and educational levels.

This expansion could further cement BPP's position as a leader in Edtech innovation.

The project highlighted the importance of a joined-up approach to marking and feedback, revealing opportunities for further AI integration in these areas.

Future phases may involve developing AI tools for long-form essay marking and feedback, leading to substantial cost savings, improved student satisfaction through quicker and more detailed feedback, and overall efficiency gains for BPP.

AI Inspiration for Your Organisation_

The collaboration between BPP and Build Circle has resulted in a transformative project that leverages Generative AI, and GenAI Services along with expert technology consulting to enhance educational content creation.

Through innovative approaches, rapid iteration, and close collaboration, the project achieved substantial efficiency gains and cost savings for the organisation.

This case study not only showcases the successes of the BPP project and its achievements but also serves as an inspiration for other organisations looking to harness the power of AI for educational and business transformation.

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